A Letter from the owner about ngo registration process
An NGO is a non-profit citizen group which is organized on a local, national or on an international level to serve as a social welfare for the people in need. The unique features of NGO include:-
- the voluntary association of person having interest in it.
- it is generally free from government interference as it has its own rules & regulations being followed by its members.
- they work parallel to the Government
NGO’s full form is Non-Government Organisation. The developing nation like India, NGO’s are set up to fill the gaps between the Government & the society. It plays a critical part in developing society by providing help in humanitarian, educational, health care, public policy, social, human rights, environmental and other areas in need as India has a huge problem regarding the above issues. Since their function is in the non-profit scheme due to which they face problems like lack of qualities in terms of skills and opportunities regarding the employment. There is a guide for starting your own NGO in India.
An ngo is classified into various categories. Basically people form trust, society or section 8 company. Ninety percent of the people opt for trust as it is easy to form, no complexity, no tough compliance part. Even, you can involve family members in national level trust registration or ngo registration. For society, you need 7 members from various states i.e. every member shall be from different state and further, there can be no family member in the society. It is time taking as well as complicated due to various compliance part which is involved with reference to society and if you don’t file annual compliance in government office, there is penalty imposed on the society. In case of section 8 company, you have to provide at least 2 directors. Directors can be from abroad also. A section 8 company which is registered under companies act, 2013 is a non-profit organization formed with the objective of promoting philanthropic activities. It operates without the motto of earning profits instead focusing on social welfare, education, art, culture and other well being purposes. In a section 8 company, profits earned are completely reinvested back into the company’s objectives rather than distributed among its members unlike private limited companies. These companies have to maintain transparency in their operations and adhere to regulations set by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in order to protect their non-profit status. The formation of a section 8 company requires approval from the central government where they have to file memorandum of association and articles of association for the proposed activities which they have to execute in future. Overall, section 8 companies play a vital role in civil society fostering growth in various sectors by mobilizing resources for the greater good. But in section 8 company also, compliance part is more and you can be heavily penalized if you don’t file compliance even for a year unlike trusts and societies where there is no such issues.

The proper functioning of an NGO depends upon the funds received from various sources. The first question that Read More